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Valley Air AB 617
San Joaquin Valley Air District San Joaquin Valley
Community Engagement and Protection

Stockton AB 617: Message to Stockton CSC from CARB

Good morning Stockton CSC,

Sharing a message from CARB.



Hello Stockton CSC!

We are looking forward to our upcoming Board Meeting to consider the Stockton Community Emissions Reduction Program on July 29th. Now that we have finalized details for how prioritized CSC comments will be handled, we realize this may affect your decision about whether or not you’d like to comment, as well as your preference to comment as a prioritized member of the CSC or as a member of the public. Because of this, we are providing a “last call” for requests from CSC members to be prioritized during the comment period at the Board meeting following staff presentation. Commenting at the Board meeting is voluntary and optional.

How it will work: If you request to be prioritized as a CSC member, CARB staff will temporarily shift you from the Zoom public space to the panelist space during the CSC comment period so that you have the option to turn your camera on while you are commenting. The main difference is that general public comments are audio only. Once prioritized CSC comments are complete, you will be transitioned back to the public space. In keeping with standard CARB practice, comments should be kept to within 3 minutes or as otherwise instructed by the Board Chair, Liane Randolph.

If you plan to provide comment to our Board and would like to be prioritized, please contact Skott Wall at or (916) 720-2965 by end of day on Tuesday, July 27th. Please also let Skott know if you already have or plan to register yourself for the meeting, or if you would like him to do this for you. We will send a separate message on Wednesday to those who sign up with more details on what to expect during the CSC comment period.

We will be unable to accommodate any requests to be prioritized after Tuesday, but you will still be able to provide comments by raising your hand during the public comment period, which will immediately follow CSC member comments.


For assistance or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us