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Valley Air AB 617
San Joaquin Valley Air District San Joaquin Valley
Community Engagement and Protection

[Reminder] Upcoming Stockton AB 617 Meeting on 10/4

Hello Stockton CSC, 

Our next Stockton AB 617 meeting is Wednesday, October 4 at 5 PM. Please see the final agenda and summary of discussion for the next meeting below.

Meeting Materials:

Note about SB 905 Public Meeting:

We were recently notified that there is an SB 905 Public Meeting this coming Wednesday evening. Given the conflict, the organizers have reach out to us to share that they are happy to come back to meet with community members in the next five weeks. If you’d like to schedule an individual or group meeting, please reach out to Sarah Rubin at or (916) 214-5731.

Passenger Vehicle Replace Discussion:

As a reminder, during Wednesday’s CSC meeting, we will provide updates on the Passenger Vehicle Repair and Replacement programs and discuss an opportunity to increase the incentive amount per vehicle for the Passenger Vehicle Replacement program. Please see below for a summary of the concept and we look forward to discussing with the CSC on Wednesday.

  • The current Passenger Vehicle Replacement program allows for up to $12,000 for the replacement of an older vehicle with a plug-in hybrid electric or zero emission vehicle. We are exploring increasing this amount to $20,000.
  • The purpose of increasing the funding is to offset the high cost associated with purchasing electric or plug in hybrid vehicle to assist in the transition to cleaner technology and reduce emissions in the community
  • Purchasing a plug-in hybrid/electric vehicle costs $30,000 or more
  • High cost can be a barrier to program participation for members in the community
  • Currently the 3 other AB617 communities have this measure and supported increasing the funding to up to $20,000 per vehicle

Currently, there is no change to the funding allocated in the CERP (total funding allocation is $800,000), however, there can be opportunities for funding reallocation to support the measure, if we see high participation and there’s interest from the CSC. If there are any questions about concept or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the Air District ( or Facilitation Team (

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 856 1802 0365
Passcode: 617

Dial by your location:
888-788-0099 US Toll-free
877-853-5247 US Toll-free

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please reach out to the District at or call 559-230-6000 and ask to speak to someone with the AB 617 program. To see communications from the District to the CSC, visit the Communications with Members page.


For assistance or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us